Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My First Edge Post: An Angry NBAer Exclusive

Well, some of you know me, and most of you do not.  And that is a good thing because before you know it we will be friends or make contact one way or another.  It's always been that way for me and as long as I'm hurling through space and time I figure it is never a bad idea to check out what is going on around me.

As a blogger and lover of NBA basketball, the latter portion of 2011 will be challenging.  It's my routine  to discuss all things basketball and I'm already a few weeks past.  Rather I WOULD be late if I had something to really write on the matter.  Ok, I'll try.  Here goes:  It's now November 22nd and I have no fucking clue who is on the L.A. Clippers' roster, most likely it's a product of these gigantic pussy-ass bitches not being able to come together on a compensation package or some such nonsense.  Owners and players don't see eye-to-eye on how to divide the loot.  Sorry, water from my eyes is splashing down on my keyboard and I am having trouble transcribing my thoughts.  Maybe it has something to do with the fact I have not watching an NHL game since 2004.  I just don't want this to be the case with the NBA, and it probably would was it not for the fact that fantasy basketball is the next best thing to a sexual fantasy.  Also, I haven't enjoyed hockey since Tiger Williams (the REAL Tiger) retired.

And if I didn't hate the Lakers enough, all the players are represented by Derek Fisher.  This must end.

Should the players give in to the evil owner's demands?  Hell fucking no, even the NHL players get 54%.  But I would like to note that from the fan's perspective, these fools are fighting for all the wrong reasons.  What they should be fighting over is a shorter season.  Make every game, then you got me on the front line rallying for you.  The problem extends through various levels of selfish, none of this, mind you, sends a message of appreciation for the fans who have funded this mess over the years.  82 games is a staggering amount, it's BASEBALL that has a significant statistical history, so stop Jason Kidding yourselves.  Speaking of, take the triple-double statistic.  While watching a performer go off the handle, in various different categories, is awesome to watch and propels a fantasy team into motion.  But in no way is the career-leader of such a feat in the same universe as a steroid-inflated home-run record.  Each night is a new night of magic in the NBA, and this far out-shadows a career tally.  No matter how awesome Jordan was, or Kobe is, they will never reach Kareem in all-time scoring.  Never.  My point is, the fans are alienated already, and squabbling over $millions$ (billions) of revenue without doing something that will ultimately change the landscape for the better FOR THE FAN is a dreadful act that leaves NBAers like me in dire straights.  There, I did it without even mentioning our economy or 2012.

Joseph M.

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