Sunday, October 9, 2011

The EDGE Blog

What is EDGE?

That's a hell of a question.  Let's start with what it's not.

Justin Bieber is not edge.  No artist who ever admits in print that he wears women's jeans has edge.  To the best of my vast knowledge of pop culture, even Adam Lambert has kept that juicy secret to himself, his handlers and maybe Perez Hilton's housekeeper.  Fox News is not edge, neither is TMZ, Jay Z, or for that matter MS NBC.

Edge is found where hard thoughts are turned into sharp, shiny words... words filled with meaning and insight, and the power to cut through the shit of the day's trending topics.

This is EDGE.

One blog, written by a handful of the best authors, thinkers, poets, artists, people who make you laugh... and maybe cry.  About the news, about the world, and about our place in it.

This is the EDGE blog.


  1. What a way to start this off!! :-)


  2. I just sat on a razor blade to prove I could find something edgier...
